
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 21:54:16
How might you drag a good writer’s work down to the level of a scribe (抄写员)? Try the spell-check button . A study at the University of Pittsburgh indicates spell-check soft-ware may level the playing field between people with differing levels of language skills , hampering (妨碍)the work of writers and editors who place too much trust in the software . In the study , 33 undergraduate students were asked to proofread(校对)a one-page business letter—half of them using Microsoft Word with red and green lines underlining potential errors(潜在错误). The other half did it the old-fashioned way , using only their heads . Without grammar or spelling software , students with higher SAT scores made , on average , 5 errors , compared with 12.3 errors for students with lower scores .

如何可能你拖动一个很好的作家的工作回落到水平的(抄写员) ?尝试拼写检查按钮。一项研究在美国匹兹堡大学的表明,拼写检查软尔5月的水平提供公平的竞争环境之间的人有不同层次的语文能力,(妨碍)的工作,作者与编辑人员谁的地方,太多的信任,该软件。在这项研究中, 33个本科学生被要求(校对)一个网页商业信函的一半,他们使用Microsoft Word与红色和绿色线,强调对(潜在错误) 。另一半没有它老式的方法,只用他们的元首。没有语法或拼写软件,具有较高的学生坐在分数,平均来说, 5月的错误相比,误差为12.3较低的学生的分数。