
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 13:00:36

Mt. Yali emperor, ancient times Macedonia king, in world ancient history renowned strategist and statesman. Born pulls the city in the Macedonia empire capital faction. Once from ancient Greece renowned scholar Yalishiduode. 18 years old go to battle along with the father, 20 year old of succeed to the crown. He is wise, in holds the post in the Macedonia king's short 13 years, by its person with outstanding ability and grand vision. West the eastern expedition asks for, has established first in the entire Greece's dominant status, latter perished the Persian empire. In stretches across European, on Asia's vast land, founded a west Greece, Macedonia, east to the Indian Ganges river basin, south near the Nile River first waterfall, north killed the water to the medicine take Babylon as the capital huge empire. Has set the record of the unprecedented magnificent achievement, promoted the East and West culture exchange and the economical development, has had the significant