
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 12:40:28

因子 rhesus (Rh) factor
半规管 semicircular canal
半月瓣 semilunar valve
膀胱 bladder
包皮 foreskin; prepuce
背 back
鼻副窦 sinus accessory
鼻隔膜 septum of nose
鼻骨 nasal bone
鼻管 nasal duct
鼻尖 tip of nose
鼻孔 nostril
鼻梁 bridge of nose
鼻毛 nasal hair
鼻腔 nasal cavity
鼻咽 nasopharynx
鼻中隔 septum of nose
鼻子 nose
臂神经丛 brachial plexus
扁桃腺 tonsil
表皮 epidermis
波曼氏囊 Bowman's capsule; renal corpusculum
勃起组织 erectile/spongy tissue
脖子 neck
肠腹膜 peritoneum of intestine
肠绒毛 villus of intestine
肠系膜 mesentery
肠皱襞 intestinal fold
耻骨 pubic bone; pubis
齿腔 dental cavity
齿咬合 bite; occlusion
齿质 dentin
齿龈 gum; tooth-ridge
尺骨 ulna
尺骨神经 ulnar nerve
处女膜 hymen; virginal membrane
喘息 wheeze
垂体 pituitary body/gland
唇 lip
雌激素 estrogen
催产素 oxytoc