
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 02:27:12
The essay Nature discusses the love of nature, the uses of nature, the idealist philosophy in relation to 关于nature, evidences of spirit in the material universe, and the potential expansion of human souls and works that will result from a general return to direct, immediate contact with the natural environment.
In the essay Emerson clearly expresses the main principles of his Transcendentalist pursuit and his love for nature. In expressing his belief in the mystical "unity of nature," Emerson develops his concept of the "Over-Soul" or "Universal Mind."

随笔自然讨论自然的爱,自然的使用, 理想主义者哲学关于关于自然, 物质的宇宙, 和人类灵魂的潜在的扩充和将会起因于一般的回返指示的作品与天然的环境立即的接触的对于精神的证据。
在随笔中,爱默生清楚地为自然表达他的超越论者追求的主要原则和他的爱。 在神秘的 "自然的个体 ," 中表达他的信念方面爱默生发展他的观念那 " 结束 - 灵魂 " 或 "全世界的思想 ."