
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 07:14:31

## is the closest Administrative village to the center city. The village now has 52families, totaling 206 individual, of which 91 are workers. The village has a total of 258 chinese acres. With livestock totaling in 893, ofwhich 505 are big livstock. The village administraters fully untilized the geographic location and envoirment advantage of the village to premote the villagers to create a market and do more business. They split the villagers to three teams, each specializing in either planting, growing, or transportation.
To premote the farming econmoic in the village, the goverment supported a big constraction project for green house development and maintance, using three million dollars. The county goverment first used eighty thousand in the basic development. This villiage now has 100% of its agrecultural abbilities, providing 25% of the income of the population, growing six-hundred thousand yuan worth of vegatables. In the specialized field, the village has 16 familues