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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/12 04:47:08
黄先生,1952年生于广东,。现为中国书画研究院常务副院长,中国美协创作中心委员会委员; 中国美协北京丰台区理事; 中国美术家交流协会油画专业委员会副主任兼秘书长,中国传统文化促进会理事,,中国书画专刊顾问,中国教研网艺术教育研究部主任,中国书画家协会常务理事。他的油画作品多以水山为题材、以四季为背景,全方位地构思、描绘、再现祖国的秀丽山川。在他的笔下,春夏秋冬的山、水、花草、树木,被描绘得淋漓尽致、栩栩如生。

The courage to break the routine, innovation and forming a unique artistic style of painting, John Huang is an alternative artistic style of the notable features. He jumped out of the traditional painting of the box, no longer subject to narrow the art features and integration of the shackles of saturation realist approach. In the modern realities of life, Mr Wong, the courage to change the traditional arts to explore ways unique techniques, not to form a single pictorial depicting nature, but to pursue the arts as painting a heart with the emotional mood of the method, using different order Yunbi, improved pigments to create personalized works of art. At the same time, Mr Wong, best of the arts to explore the western oil paintings and traditional Chinese painting techniques with the mutual integration of use, gives effect to the mysterious. His use of color is so deep dark Department, the Department of brighter light, a thick bright flu.

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