
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 10:20:16

罗格在北京第29届奥运会闭幕式上的致辞(中英)http://www.enorth.com.cn 2008-08-26 13:35 IOC President's Speech at the Closing Ceremony of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad

24 August 2008

Dear Chinese Friends,

Tonight, we come to the end of 16 glorious days which we will cherish forever.

Thank you to the people of China, all the wonderful volunteers and BOCOG!

Through these Games, the world learned more about China, and China learned more about the world. Athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees came to these dazzling venues and awed us with their talent.

New stars were born. Stars from past Games amazed us again. We shared their joys and their tears, and we marveled at their ability. We will long remember the achievements we witnessed here.

As we celebrate the success of these Games, let us together wish the best for the talented athletes who wi