
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 13:24:02
If you are feeling adventurous though you could always opt for a bicycle.

though [ðo] [ðəu]
1. 连词 虽然,尽管
Though the car is new, it rattles. 尽管汽车是新的,仍然发出格格声。 2. 连词 可是,不过,然而
They will probably win, though no one thinks so. 他们可能会获胜,然而没有人这样认为 3. 连词 即使,纵然
Though he may fail, he will have tried. 纵然他可能失败,他还是要试试。 4. 副 然而,可是,不过
She sings well,though. 她还是唱得好的嘛。