
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 06:58:10
1997年9月—2001年6月 就读于张店区东一路小学
2001年9月—2004年6月 就读于淄博五中
2004年9月—2007年6月 就读于淄博职业学院
从小学到中专十一年的学习期间,在老师的谆谆教导下,熟练掌握了基本学科的知识技能 ,并顺利的完成了自己的学业,为自己进入大学继续深造奠定了坚实的基础。在校期间,我学习努力刻苦,尊敬师长,团结同学,遵守纪律和关心他人,性格开朗,爱好广泛,积极参加学校组织的各项活动。多次代表学校参加各项比赛并获得荣誉。步入初中之后,父母对我的学业更加严格要求。由于成绩突出曾担任学习委员班长之职。度过初中充实的4年后,2004年9月我以高出录取线百分的成绩考入淄博职业学院继续3年专业课的学习。在掌握知识的同时,从小就热爱艺术的我还学习了绘画方面的特长,并进行过一段时间的专业培训,曾多次代表校方参加比赛荣获奖项。同时我也了解很多时尚方面的信息,并热爱欧洲的艺术风格,我想到意大利更多的了解和学习一些西方的东西。

分没了..就10分了 帮帮忙啊 谢谢啊~~~!!!


My name is Liu Simin, 1990 February 23 was born in Zibo City, Shandong Province Zhangdian district, Zibo in 2007 graduated from the Vocational College.
My personal learning curriculum vitae:
September 1997 and documents, June Zhangdian East studying in primary schools all the way
September 2001 2004 June studying at the Fifth Zibo
September 2004 - 2007 June studying at vocational colleges in Zibo
From primary to secondary school during the 11 years of learning, the teacher in earnest instructions, master the basic disciplines of knowledge and skills, and the smooth completion of their studies, for their further studies into the university has laid a solid foundation. In school, I study hard efforts, respect for teachers, students unity, discipline and care for others, character cheerful, broad-loving and actively participate in various activities organized by schools. On behalf of schools participating in the competitions and