
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 17:14:58
In China he's known as 'the Flying Fish'; in America they call him 'the Baltimore Bullet'.
Whatever you call him, American swimmer Michael Phelps looks destined to become a household name across the world after breaking the Olympic record for most gold medals in a single Games.

Phelps's total of eight golds in Beijing put him one ahead of compatriot Mark Spitz's previous tally set in 1972.

Michael Phelps dominated the field in seven of his races and set an amazing seven world records in the process. He did, however, have one close shave in the 100m butterfly which he won by the smallest possible margin of just 0.01 seconds, and in another he had to contend with a faulty pair of goggles.

Now people are already calling him the greatest Olympian of all time. But whether he is or not, what is it that makes Michael Phelps so good?

A good place to start might be his physique. Phelps has the perfect body shape f

在中国,他的被称为'飞鱼' ;在美国,他们称他为'巴尔的摩子弹' 。




一个很好的地方,开始可能是他的体魄。菲尔普斯有完美的体型为游泳:他armspan长于他的身高,他非常灵活的关节,巨大的肺,和他的令人难以置信的大英尺(大小14日在美国,大小49个在中国)法一样, flippers在水。


据他的教练,菲尔普斯开始与早餐的冠军: “三油炸鸡蛋三文治与奶酪,番茄,洋葱和油炸梅奥, 5 omelette鸡蛋,一碗磨料,三片的法式烤面包片和3煎饼与巧克力的筹码。 “

然后,他缆到泳衣,已使波在世界上游泳。设计由美国航天局,美国航天局,适应了一个特别的材料说,这是帮助运动员游泳2 %的速度更快。



“我猜8是一个幸运号码对我来说,太,现在开幕典礼开始, 8/8/08 。也许是意味着要, ”他说。
