
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 11:10:37
大明山位于临安西部顺溪镇,别名千亩田,山颠平坦,广达千亩,故名。《昌化县志》载:“大明山,县西九十里,其巅广千余亩,如平地。”相传唐宣宗微时,首隐居于此,赋诗明志:“ 穿山透石不辞劳,地远方知山处高。溪涧岂能留得住,终归大海作波涛”。此山 多奇峰怪石,森耸峭拔,足称名胜。有白蛇岩、鹞子峰、隐将林、玉龙瀑。远望 七峰如锷剌天称七峰尖;山顶清溪蜿蜒,游鱼细长如竹,称竹叶鱼;半山有瀑布, 一泻而下,气势跌宕。许多古迹随着美丽的民间传说。有一巨古,平坦如榻,相 传朱元障起义兵败至此,曾卧古上,故名“天子古”;朱元璋屯垦时曾登台拜将, 故山顶有点将台;朱元障屯军千亩田,招兵买马,生聚训练,养精蓄锐,然后杀 下山去,打下大明江山,故此山称为大明山 。



The Ming Dynasty mountain located at Linan west Shunxi Town, the alias thousand Chinese acres fields, the mountain top is smooth, amounts to thousand Chinese acres broadly, therefore. "the Changhua County annals" carry: “Ming Dynasty mountain, west county 90 miles, its summit broad thousand Chinese acres, like flat land.”When hands down Tang Xuanzong micro, the head lives in seclusion in this, composes a poem reveals one's aspirations: “Chuanshan passes the stone not to dismiss the fatigue, the distant place knows Shan Chugao. How could can the mountain stream detain, after all the sea makes the mighty waves”. This mountain multi-high peak strange stone, the woods peak is high and precipitous, is worthy to be called the scenic spot. Has Bai Sheyan, the kite sub-peak, hidden the forest, the Yulong waterfall. Looks at seven peaks like e to stab the day name seven summits far; Summit Qingxi winds, You Yu the tall and slender like bamboo, calls the bamboo leaves fish; The