API 的前缀 Zw 是什么意思?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/12 12:21:49

Prefix Component
Cc Cache manager
Cm Configuration manager
Ex Executive support routines
FsRtl File system driver run-time library
Hal Hardware abstraction layer
Io I/O manager
Ke Kernel
Lpc Local Procedure Call
Lsa Local security authentication
Mm Memory manager
Nt Windows 2000 system services (most of which are exported as Win32 functions)
Ob Object manager
Po Power manager
Pp PnP manager
Ps Process support
Rtl Run-time library
Se Security
Wmi Windows Management Instrumentation
Zw Mirror entry point for system services (beginning with Nt) that sets previous access mode to kernel, which eliminates parameter validation, since Nt system services validate parameters only if previous access mode is user

see Inside Microsoft Windows 2000
