piccadilly court离帝国理工多远?怎么走?坐地铁要多久到?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 09:25:18
piccadilly court离帝国理工多远?怎么走?坐地铁要多久到?哪位哥哥姐姐能告诉我呀,我的住宿被分到那边去了~~~谢谢了~~~

How can I get to Imperial College from Piccadilly Court?

A few options are:
Taking the No. 274 bus that leaves around the corner of Market Road / Caledonian Road. 30 mins later you'll arrive at Lancaster Gate, then it's a short 15-20 min walk to college.
A 30 min cycle through Camden, via Regent Park, Marylebone Road, Sussex Gardens and over the Serpentine bridge.
A 30 min tube journey to South Kensington or Gloucester Road then a 8-15 min walk to college.
Can I use a bicycle?

Of course yes, you could eliminate all travel costs by cycling to Imperial. Piccadilly Court provides a large bike shed, and South Kensington Campus have ample number of parking space. If you would like to cycle to Imperial, you will need to register your bicycle with the College. This can be done online.
How can I reduce the cost of commuting to Imperial?

If you decide to commute by tube or bus, you ca