请大家帮帮忙,,帮我折成英文的给我 谢谢了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 16:26:19
在他乡好好照顾自己,,要对自己好点,天冷了多穿衣服,生病了要记的去看医生...认识你我很开心.虽然我们不能在一起一辈子,可是我们能朋友我已经很满足了..谢谢你在我很需要安慰的时候在我身边. 我会永远记得你的..

In a good home to take care of themselves, to their good points, Tianleng many wearing clothes, sick mind to see a doctor to know you ... I am very happy. Although we can not be together all their lives, but we can be friends I have Thank you very satisfied .. I need you in comfort in the time around me and I will always remember you ..