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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/05 04:49:10
Antony生于1981年6月23日的Middlesex。在他加入Blue之前就有着令人印象深刻的履历。曾经在<Grange Hill>、<The Bill>中担任角色,并且在BBC的节目中领衔。尽管他的声音比较平实,在遇到Duncan之前他也没有将演唱作为今生追逐的职业理想。

Lee他是乐队中年轻的成员,生于1983年6月17日的伦敦东南。在BlackheTH长大,在戏剧学校学习,但他却不喜欢老师,"他们老是让你朝着正统的音乐靠拢,而我只想成为乐队的一员。"在打定了主意后,Lee参加了多次的试唱,终于在Holby City遇到了Duncan和乐队的其他人。

Simon是乐队中最年长的,生于1979年3月30日的Manchester。多年来,Simon一直想成为一个职业足球运动员,也曾经和Port Vale队签约。在随队走过了多个城市后,很偶然地,他被伯明翰的一个Hip-Hop演唱组Criminal Damage的音乐吸引,最终他决定离开足球队,来到伦敦加入了Blue。

Duncan was borned in 1979.4.7,he lived in DorSset with his mother before his thirteen,after he moved to Sidmouth,he got in to a drama institue,he felt that his voice could made himself a singer becourse of getting an A in drama class,he also tried to sing in some developing band,which confirmed his confidence,,he said :"colliding your teeth is really a wonderful feeling",and even luckier,when Duncan met Antony,he left these average level band.
Antony was borned in 1981.6.23 in Middlesex,he had very expressive experiences before he joined Blue,he once have a part in <Grange Hill>and <The Bill>,and leading a BBC show,even though he had a normal voice,he also didn't make singing as his chasing career before he met Duncan.
Lee is the youngest in this group,borned in the southeast of london in 1983.6.17 ,gowned up in BlackHeth, he took classed in drama insititude,but he didn't like teacher"they always want to lead you to the traditional music,