Essay Questions on Reconstruction&New South (US history)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 04:37:41

1)Compare and contrast the four Reconstruction plans(Lincoln's 10% plan/ Johnson's plan/ Wade-Davis Bill/ Congressional Reconstruction) that emerged. For what reasons did the final plan( Congressional Reconstruction) emerge?

2)What were the freed slaves seeking to attain after the Civil War? To what extent did Congress succeed in obtaining these for them?

3)Due to the animosities between the North and the South during Reconstruction, the South developed certain "myths" over time concerning how it was treated. What were the "myths" constructed concerning the state governments under Congressional Reconstruction and to what extent were these "myths" based on actual fact?

4)To what extent was Congressional Reconstruction successful?(both during the 1867-77 period and in the years after it, from 1877 to 1900)

5)To what extent did the economic situation

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