
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 08:46:46
在硕士研究生期间参与项目研发,勤奋专研,努力工作,在实践中不断解决新问题,应对新挑战,培养了自己解决问题和接受新事物的能力,同时也提高了团队合作的精神和强烈的集体荣誉感。 一直以来注重英语能力的提高,通过国家英语四、六级。我年轻有活力,为人稳重,责任心强,强烈求知欲望和扎实的专业知识基础,因此我有理由相信我能给您带来一份收获。

During the participation of graduate students in master's research project, a study hard, work hard in practice and continue to solve new problems, and deal with new challenges and cultivate their own problem-solving and the ability to accept new things, but also enhance the team spirit of cooperation and strong Collective sense of honor. English has been on the increase, through the national English 40, 6. I am young and dynamic, stable people, a strong sense of responsibility, a strong desire to acquire new knowledge and a solid professional knowledge base, so I have reason to believe that I can give you a harvest.

15th august, 200__