
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 12:02:02





Four years ago, Liu Xiang sprint with a positive shock us; four years later, his left-looking touches us. Can, and he's done he can do, then, depends on how we interpret! Reading a good, and this provides some background is also a good article!
I believe that Liu Xiang retreat Match yesterday after the news conference, is likely to be a ratings of the highest on record at the same time, the Olympics, an athlete Match retreat, resulting in a most concerned about the news conference, but so long This is in China, which is Liu Xiang!

Liu Xiang in the retreat Match that moment, you can almost hear the 1.3 billion Chinese people Qi Shuashua's A Sigh, followed by silence, followed by speculation, and then is议论纷纷, and even some gas, then, and continue to It » Should be accepted, and really accepted.

Verbal acceptance is easy, but if in his heart really relaxing to accept the fact, not easy. For Liu Xiang, we have a script written in advance: the