
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 04:02:05
在英国最著名的食物以鱼和薯条最具代表性,当然北爱尔兰也不例外。不仅如此;在许多本地的快餐店或路边摊,您还可以吃到各式各样用马铃薯烹调的美味佳肴。严格来说,贝尔法斯特有许多不同国家及风格的餐厅,其中最多的是中国风格的餐厅,或许是因为华人是北爱尔兰最大的外来人口吧!整个北爱尔兰约有9,000至10,000 左右的华人,大部份是由香港或中国东南沿海地区移民而来。
Belfast Castle Malone House The Other Place


. Giants causeway Carrick-a-rede Bushmills Dunluce Castle Derry Belfast

Among the U.K.'s most famous dishes, fish and chips is the most common representative. Yet Norther Ireland is the exception to the rule. Actually, at many homegrown fast-food restaurants and street food vendors, you can try all kinds of potato-based delicacies. Strictly speaking, Belfast has restaurants representing cuisines from all around the world, but the most numerous are Chinese restaurants, since ethnic Chinese are Belfast's biggest immigrant population! All in all, Belfast has anywhere from 9,000 to 10,000 ethnic Chinese, most of whom immigrated from Hong Kong or China's Southeastern coastal regions.

Below are some of Belfast's unique cafes:

Belfast Castle Malone House; The Other Place

In Northern Ireland, we often jokingly say, "You can see all four seasons in a day." Northern Ireland and Taiwan both are islands, so both climates are very moist. However, Northern Ireland is also similar to Taiwan in that it has va