
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 11:30:05
当年 2000江苏译林的版的初一教科书上有首英文歌曲 满伤感的好像叫my being 女声的 记得当时歌词还满长的 那时用复读机 整天听 还怀念这首歌 可是磁带和书都不在了 当年的老同学们啊 哪个帮忙找下哈 记得当时老师还说过 这是一对新婚夫妇 丈夫出海打鱼迟迟不归 什么的 很模糊 帮帮忙哈 同学们
给个地址能不 听下就知道了

The Worst Is My Being Alone(是这个吗)
Album:You Were At The Time For Love
Title:The Worst Is My Being Alone

Aaron, have you ever had a burning in your chest
That made you just want to be free?
It was a warm afternoon when she asked him this,
As they sat on the shore of the sea
Well, Aaron just tugged at his hair and he took
A very long time to reply
And by the time that he spoke, she'd forgotten she asked
And was lost in the clouds of the sky
He said, Kelly, I don't think
I've ever wanted as much
To be free as I've longed to be known.
And of the things that I hate
As I look at my life,
The worst is my being alone.
The rest of his words he kept from her ears
Cause he thought she might not understand
And she didn't reply. She couldn't figure out how,
Cause the fire in her heart had been fanned
Oh, of all the things known that he could'