
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 14:45:21
Aight, we've seen the patch notes, the hunter discussion has officially gone up in flames. While my gut-reflex reaction is to go post on the 1.5M WTHBLIZZ threads, i'm just gonna ask. Somebody. What on earth is the logic behind these changes? I know you guys aren't idiots, because i've seen you at work over the course of the beta thus far. Why back up over all this positive work and empty out the cement truck over it? Things were good. Really good. Why the curb-stomp? Are you introducing something we missed? Is there a silver lining somewhere to balance against the giant yellow bat that is being slammed mercilessly against the face of unsuspecting beta testers? I'd appreciate -any- insight. Tell us the sky is not in fact falling. If you're reading this, and you feel simliarly, bump this around until we get somones attention

The balance team did a sweep of the talents and made modifications they felt necessary to keep the tale

好吧,我看过升级补丁的说明了。猎人职业的争论已经正式进入白热化。我关于英勇一击(译者:猎人职业技能)的意见反馈正准备去暴雪论坛发帖,正想问问谁呢。到底为什么要这样改(这些技能)?你们又不是傻子,自从beta版以来你们所做的工作我都看在眼里,为什么要推翻那些很好的做法还毁掉它呢?以前的游戏很好,真的很好。为什么加了curb-stomp 这一招? 是要给我们引进以前没见过的招数吗?黄色巨型蝙蝠在beta版里被玩家毫不留情地痛扁,把它们改强有什么意义吗?希望有人指点迷津。告诉我们情况没这么糟吧。要是你正在看我写的,也有同感,就把这些散发得越广越好直到有谁理我们了为止。
有一些更改会保留,另一些会被改回去,还有一些会重新设计。Lock and load 以前连3发太强了,平衡组把它改成了1次。我们将要把它再升到两次。而且,我们还要把它改成一定几率下造成持续伤害,而不是瞬时伤害。

好了。我们都看过补丁笔记了,关于猎手的争议已经正式进入白热化。虽然我的第一感观直觉告诉我去1.5M WTHBLIZZ发言,我还是想先问一句,不管是谁。作这些变动到底有什么逻辑?我知道你们都不是白痴,因为我已经看着你们在BETA作到现在了。为什么要把那些好活都又改回去了?进展不错啊,真的挺好啊。怎么一下子转弯了呢?你们是不是想引进我们没看出来的什么东西啊?是不是有什么宝在跟那只在老实的试用者们面前被可怜摔抽的巨型黄蝙蝠互补啊?谢谢谁指点我一下迷冿吧。告诉我们天其实没塌。

hard for me