有argue to的说法吗?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 23:17:16

argue about 辩论[争论]某事
argue on 辩论[争论]某事
argue over 辩论[争论]某事
argue against 反驳 显示出与...相反的结论, 证明...是站不住脚的
argue down 驳倒某人
argue sb. down 驳倒某人
argue for 赞成; 为...而力争
argue round and round (the subject) 只在问题表面兜圈子而不深入实质
argue sb. into 说服某人(做某事或接受某种意见)
argue sb. out of 说服某人不做某事, 打消某种念头
argue sb. round 说服某人相信或放弃(某种看法), 把某人说服过来
argue sth. away 提出论据消除某问题; 驳倒某事
argue sth. off 提出论据消除某问题; 驳倒某事

有 argue sb. to do sth. v.tr.(及物动词)
To put forth reasons for or against; debate:
“It is time to stop arguing tax-rate reductions and to enact them”(Paul Craig Roberts)
To attempt to prove by reasoning; maintain or contend:
The speaker argued that more immigrants should be admitted to the country.
To give evidence of; indicate: