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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 21:33:56
至於各项比赛目前似乎都以逆时针方向来进行的原因,有一些说法例如保护心脏说、惯用手说、运动脚说等众说纷纭莫衷一是 人的大脑分左右两个半球,左右的功能不一样。人的左脑支配右半身的活动,右脑则支配左半身的活动。在日常生活中,大多数人养成了用右手干活、写字、工作的习惯,而左脑又主要是进行高级思维活动的,因此大大加重了左脑的负担。人体为了维护全身的平衡,必须加强受右脑支配的左腿功能,所以多数人感到左腿比右腿有力。赛跑时,多数运动员都是用左腿作为后蹬腿的。在跑弯道时,由于左腿有力,按逆时针方向跑,左腿就能很好地克服身体的离心力,避免向内侧倾倒。右腿力量比左腿小,如果按顺时针方向跑,就会感到身体不稳,容易摔倒。人在滑冰、骑自行车拐弯和跑步时,也有同样感觉

At in the track and field competition competition project, every 200 meter above project, the athletes all are the left face are curved (counter clockwise), why is this? The reason has following two:
First, human's heart is located left side of the body, therefore the center of gravity is easy to xxxx left.
Second, the human jumps and so on the movement stamps one's foot many is a left leg, because of center of gravity deviation left leg, therefore the left face curved is easy.
Some foreign experts explained that, Humanity's foot, about has its role respectively, the left leg plays the support role (support center of gravity), the right crus of diaphragm play the movement function (to control direction and speed). Because the center of gravity in favors of the left leg, therefore increases the speed with the right foot pedal ground and
Time 1912, International track and field meet federation
had been established, decides as the race direction