how to write explanation in own words about mitosis and meiosis

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 02:50:50
ge wei bang bang mang ,zhe ge dui wo heng zhong yao ,xie xie!!!

a)The process in cell division by which the nucleus divides, typically consisting of four stages, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, and normally resulting in two new nuclei, each of which contains a complete copy of the parental chromosomes.Also called karyokinesis
有丝分裂:细胞分裂过程,其间细胞核分裂典型分为四步:前期、中期、后期和末期,并正常分裂成两个细胞核,每一个都含有母染色体的完全内涵也作 karyokinesis
b)The entire process of cell division including division of the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
另外一个词典的解释: a process that takes place in the nucleus of a dividing cell, involves typically a series of steps consisting of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, and results in the formation of two new nuclei each having the same number of chromosomes as the parent nucleus

a)Genetics The process of cell division in sexually reproducing organisms that reduces the number of chromosomes in reproductive cells, leading to the production of gametes in animal