中译英 如果你不想买东西,你可以只是走在大街上,欣赏那些琳琅满目的商品

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 02:38:50

If you don't want to buy anything, you could just walking along the street and do your window shopping!
If you have no desire on purchasing, you could just wandering along the avenue and let your eyes fixed on those varieties of goods.

If u wanner buy nothing,u can just walk along the street and get yourself windowshop.

If you don't will to buy something, you can do window-shopping that just enjoy in your eyes with full of beautiful things.

If you don't want to buy anything, you may just walk in the street to admire the various kinds of beautiful products.

If you do not want to buy things, you can just walk in the street, those who appreciate the range of goods

如果你要在网上买东西,你会买什么? 王小惠你现在在哪里,还好吗我好想你。可以联系我吗?我是蒋程君,我不想打扰你只是想知道你过的怎么样? 我不是很想你,我只是在我不想你的时候想起你 相爱的人总是可以走在一起,可是,如果你爱的人,你家里人不同意,不想放弃爱情,却也不想不孝,怎么办呢 如果被辞退。当你喜欢这个工作,你不想走,你如何说服领导让你留下? 如果你在淘宝里面买东西的话,你会向卖家提出什么样的问题? 网络里如果有人对你说,可以跟你交往,但是你们没有见面.只是在网上谈,你会相信吗? 如果别人不顾你的热情,冷漠对你,而你不想冷漠,可以吗? 如果你可以移民,但最不想移民到什么地方? 如果你在女友家,你晚上不想回家,你回找什么理由?