
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 11:18:18
评委老师你们好,我叫XXX。 是艺术工程学院05级播音5班的一名学生。今年21周岁,来自山东省潍坊市。大学期间主要修的是播音主持专业。我钟爱于这个专业。电视是一扇窗,当你打开这扇窗的时候,你我之间便开始了真诚的交流。我希望能通过自己的声音真心与人们沟通。我喜欢站在主持这个大舞台上,心有多大,舞台就有多大。希望评委老师能够给我这个深造的机会,让我在播音主持这个行业有进一步的发展和提高。发挥出自己更大无限的魅力空间。谢谢!

Good (morning)Appraisal committees my names is XXX Art Academy of Engineering is 05 broadcast of a five classes of students. 21 years old this year, from Weifang City in Shandong Province. During the repair of major universities is the auspices of professional radio. I love the profession. TV is a window, when you open this window of time between you and I started a sincere exchange of views. I hope their voices can really communicate with people. I like to stand on the big stage, how much heart, there is little stage. Teachers hope that the judges can give me the opportunity to study this, let me in the broadcasting industry to further develop and improve. To play a greater infinite charm their space. Thanks!