
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 12:27:51
有谁可以搜到校园枪击事件的英文文章 新闻性质的 本人英语4级水平
不要太深奥的 急!!!!
大家还是给个适合于演讲3分钟的稿子吧 我是为了应付英语课
能给我PPT的 追加200!!!图片和视频也需要 视频是英文新闻!!!那位高人来帮帮忙吧!!!小弟拜托了!!!那位高人指点指点 我在线等 今晚10点之前 大家务必要帮帮我啊!!

Shortly before lunch time,an eighty-year-old gunman entered Jokela High school in Finland and shot dead 7 pupils and a headteacher and injured 10 others.He then shot injured himself and is currently in a critical condition in hospital.Last night,details were posted on the youtube website,predicting the massacre in detail,including a plan of attack listing the time,date and target.Youtube has now withdrawn over 80 videos links to his account,some of
them featuring * .Channel 4 news access some of the pages before they all withdrawn,which some of you may find disturbing.J Miller has this report on the massacre at Jokela High School,40 miles north of Finland's capital Helsinki.

Children started running towards the police line sometime after midday,followed by dinner ladies,running for their lives.The headteacher had announced over the school's public addresses,* all students should remain in their classrooms.By now though,she was dead as were five boys and two