急急急!用英文写个关于fitness club的小作文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 09:21:37
120字左右! 表达几个观点 用什么方法能改进futness club 你认识有几点最总要 依次表达出来 例如要加长开发时间 建立在闹市区 价格便宜或者有优惠 定期更新设备等 Ps:最好多用连接词 写的好分都给你了!





set up this Club as if I am a student doing a huge project… Did tons of research, visited many countries, took part in many health and fitness exhibitions, seminars and tried my best to find out as much information as I could about the fitness industry! Well, I can say that I am very knowledgeable about this business now and I guess that's why I’ve got so many ideas to think about the business. However, it’s sometime really frustrating because I just couldn’t be in Brunei to do my best for the setting up of my fitness club due to my showbiz commitments! Sigh…I guess I just have to be open minded, let go of this obstinate attitude and make myself understand that this is the best I can possibly do for my fitness club now.

Therefore, I’ve got to stick to the rule of focusing on one thing at a tim