
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 12:46:50
农场里的一头猪(Old Major)在提出了“人类剥削牲畜,牲畜须革命”的理论之后死去,若干年后农场里掀起了一场由猪领导的革命,原来的剥削者——农场主被赶走,牲畜们实现了“当家作主”的愿望,尝到了革命果实的甘美,农场更名为“动物庄园”并且制定了庄园的宪法——七诫。

这篇短文名字叫做《动物庄园》(Animal Farm)亦译作《动物农场》、《动物农庄》,英国著名作家乔治·奥威尔的一个重要作品。本故事描述了一场“动物主义”革命的酝酿、兴起和最终蜕变。1945年首次岀版英文版。
A pig in the farm, Old Major, was dead after he put forward the theory of "Exploiting by human, the livestock must have revolution". After a number of years, there was a revolution in the farm led by the pig, the original exploiters - the farmer, had been drove out. The livestock achieved the goal of the revolution, the farm changed its name to "Animal Farm", and the Constitution of the farm was established - Seven Commandments.

But not long afterwards, the leaders of the revolution broke up, a pig was declared to be the enemy of the revolution. Afterwards, the pig leader became more and more powerful and got more and more special treatment, he gradually deviated from other animals, and evolved into the animal exploiters