跪求you will make it-jem歌词中文翻译!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 14:09:44

《you will make it》
go to bed, everything's alright睡觉吧 一切都还好
don't know the whole world's changing 不知道整个世界在变化
as you sleep through the night 就像你一觉睡到天亮
wake up slowly and it's a different world 慢慢地醒来 却已是一个不一样的世界了

hear the news and the flood's begin 听到新闻说洪水要来了
screams so loud but only felt within 大声地尖叫着 但只有内心感觉到
heart is shattered the pieces can't be found 心都碎了 找不到丝丝碎片

I feel your pain, I wrote this song for you, for you 我感受到你的痛苦 我为你写了这首歌
you'll make it, you'll make it through 你可以的 你可以度过难关/克服困难
I promise you he would want you, too 我向你保证他也希望你能够如此的

months go by, still living in a daze 几个月过去了 仍然生活在茫然之中
don't know what you've done with the last seven days 真不知道你在最后的七天如何度过的
soul is numb and life is like a dream 灵魂失去了知觉/(麻木的) 人生就像一场梦

helping hands but you push them away 向你伸出了援助之手但是你却推开了<