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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 18:34:19
Britain's parents have owned up school is harder today than it was when they were kids.
A poll of 1500 parents shows that those with children who have recently sat A-level of GCSE (普通高等教育证书)exams believe today's exams are harder than the ones they sat at school.
One in four thought A-levels were getting harder-compared to just twelve percent who thought they were easier.
The figures for GCSEs were more evenly split with 26 percent believing they were easier.This is the first survey of the opinion of parents whose youngsters have just sat exams.
They told pollsters they believed the higher pass rates in examinations today were due to the youngsters connected working harder. But another
reason given was that they believed today's youngsters felt there was little chance of life without qualification."parents are seeing standards rise and their children working harder and being smarter than their generations.'says Dr Christina Townsend ,pre
