
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 06:17:49
1 许多工厂不加处理就将废水排放到河里。于是,土地逐渐沙化,河水都变得又黑又臭,空气质量也变差了,全球气温也逐渐升高。希望人们不要乱扔垃圾,不要乱伐树木,一起保护我们的地球!

A lot of factories dump their waste water into rivers withour treating it first. Hence the land slowly turns into sand, the water in the rivers turns black and stinky. The air quality gets worse and at the same time the global temperature rises. I hope that people would stop throwing away unnecessary garbage, stop cutting down so many trees and start protecting our earth together.