
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 19:24:35
1. 负责办理员工的社会保险、住房基金及相关事务;
2. 负责员工薪金及福利的核算;
3. 人事档案的管理及统计工作;
4. 负责管理员工劳动合同,办理劳动用工及相关手续;
5. 协助完成员工培训资料的信息收集,编写等工作;
6. 协助做好员工聘用等相关工作;
7. 完成公司领导交办的其他工作。


1.'s Staff responsible for social security, housing fund and related matters;
2. Responsible for staff salaries and fringe benefits of accounting;
3.'s Personnel file management and statistical work;
4. The staff responsible for the management of labor contracts, handling labor and employment and related procedures;
5. To assist the completion of the training information data collection, preparation, and so on;
6. To help employees do a good job, and other employment-related work;
7. Entrusted by the leadership of the company to complete the work of other