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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 03:08:16
1941年12月7日,一个祥和的早晨,日军向美国在太平洋上最大的海军基地珍珠港发动突然袭击,进行了两个多小时的轰炸,致使美国太平洋舰队18艘战舰沉没或受重创,死亡、重伤和失踪人员不计其数。12月8 日,罗斯福总统向日本宣战,自此美国正式加入了第二次世界大战。
就是在这段宏大的历史背景下,影片讲述了两个飞行员和一个美丽的女护士之间的感情纠葛。雷夫和丹尼是一对相交多年的好友。二战爆发后,雷夫作为美国空军的志愿人员在英国皇家空军服役,而丹尼则被派驻扎到珍珠港的空军基地。虽然两人身处异地,但却同时爱上了战地医院里的女护士伊雯琳。就在此时,日本偷袭珍珠港事件发生了。3 个彼此深爱着的人的命运与轰轰烈烈的战争密不可分地联系在了一起……


Two pilots and a nurse in the field of love
December 7, 1941, a peaceful morning, the Japanese army to the United States in the Pacific's largest naval base in Pearl Harbor surprise attack, carried out more than 2 hours of the bombing, with the result that the United States Pacific Fleet of 18 warships sunk or damaged, Dead, countless injuries and missing persons. December 8, President Roosevelt to declare war on Japan, the United States since World War II, joined the official.
This is the great historical background, the film tells of two pilots and a beautiful female nurses between the emotional disputes. Leif and Danny is a good friend for many years the intersection. After the outbreak of World War II, Leif as a U.S. Air Force volunteers serving in the Royal Air Force, and Danny was sent troops to the Air Force's Pearl Harbor base. Although in two different places, but at the same time falling in love with a field hospital nurse Yi