网上资料好还是纸制资料好, (口语)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 21:27:27
我要参加个英语口语的小考试, 上面是topic。 我的写作不好,有那位热心的朋友帮助我一下。写一个小文章,能说1分钟就够了

Which one is better, the online material or paper material?

国外也习惯将纸质说成hard copy,与电子版soft copy相对应。你可以自己决定如何用。

people like to send information or material by online or by paper mail. compare these two method, online material wins more and more users for its fast speed and clear information. But paper material is still used in important place due to signature can not be insteaded.