QTP 自带了一个spellcheck 的VBS,如何用它实现对web page的拼写检查呢?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 09:46:59

Function NumberOfSpellErrors(strText)
Dim objMsWord
Set objMsWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objMsWord.WordBasic.Insert strText
NumberOfSpellErrors = objMsWord.ActiveDocument.SpellingErrors.Count
objMsWord.Documents.Close (False)
objMsWord.Quit ' close the application
Set objMsWord = Nothing' Clear object memory
End Function

' The following function uses the Spell errors function to check a specific property
' of all the objects with a given description which are under a given Parent

Sub CheckAllObjects(ParentObj, ObjDesc, PropName)
Dim ObjCol, idx, PropValue, OldReportMode
OldReportMode = Reporter.Filter
Reporter.Filter = 2 ' report only errors
If (IsNull(ParentObj)) Then
Set ObjCol = Desktop.ChildObjects(ObjDesc)
Set ObjCol = Paren


Function NumberOfSpellErrors(strText)
Dim objMsWord
Set objMsWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
objMsWord.WordBasic.Insert strText
NumberOfSpellErrors = objMsWord.ActiveDocument.SpellingErrors.Count
'关闭新建的word文档 不保存
objMsWord.Documents.Close (False)
' close the application
Set objMsWord = Nothing' Clear object memory
End Function

' The following function uses the Spell errors function to check a specific property
' of all the objects with a given description which are under a given Parent

Sub CheckAllObjects(ParentObj, ObjDesc, PropName)
Dim ObjCol, idx, PropValue, OldReportMode
OldReportMode = Reporter.Filter
Reporter.Filter = 2 &