
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/18 11:02:33
1: What is your favourite animal?
2: Why you like this animal?
3: Do you like keeping a pet? Why?
4: How to protect the wild animals?
5: Is it our responsibility to provide the animals with better living and surviving conditions?
6: Being vet is a good job. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
7: What pets are popular in your country?
8: Cloning animals are reasonable or not?
9: Using animals for experiments is common do you have any suggestion on this procedure?
10: Animals are or aren’t worth protecting?
11: Are there any endangered species of animals in your country? How to save them? Why should we
save them?

1, Cat.
2, because the cat are cute and not dangerous.
3, yes, for the reson that keeping pets can have more fun life.
4, for their freedom, not occupation of their territories, not to kill them, not to interfere with their normal life, not as a last resort not to alarm them. Heart to care for them.
5, yes.
6, agreed, because animals are friends of human beings, protection and treatment that they can contribute to humanity and nature live in harmony.
7, Panda.
8, Resonable.
9, I think we should use the fast propagation of harmful animals or animal life experiments.
10, They should be portected.
11, South China, so they were protected by freedom of living in the region to prevent the killing of hunters, but not as much as possible harassment of their lives. Because they will help save the man and nature live in harmony.