
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 13:53:51
大家一定听说过渡渡鸟和大栌榄树吧 我要写英语作文 但不知道大栌榄树怎么写 查也查不到 拜托大家了

Calvaria tree

大头树(Calvaria tree)是毛里求斯岛上一种独特的树。

Calvaria tree或者Tambalacoque是一样的。官方多用Tambalacoque。

Tambalacoque (Sideroxylon grandiflorum; formerly Calvaria major), also called the Dodo Tree, is a long-lived tree in the family Sapotaceae, endemic to Mauritius. The Dodo Tree is valued for its timber. Tambalacoque is analogous to Peach. Both have a hard endocarp surrounding the seed, but the endocarp naturally splits along a fracture line during germination.

In 1973, it was thought that this species was dying out. There were supposedly only 13 specimens left, all estimated to be about 300 years old. The true age could not be determined because Tambalacoque has no growth rings. Stanley Temple hypothesized that the Dodo, which became extinct in the 17th century, ate tambalacoque fruits, and only by passing through the digestive tract of the Dodo could the seeds germinate. Temple (1977) force-fed seventeen tambalacoque fruits to Wild Turkeys and three