
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 15:50:16

我的英语书写开始很一般,口语更差。我觉得努力学好英语。后来,每周日上午,我到公园的英语角“English Corner”去,那里外国人很多,特别是那些讲英语的年纪大的美国人很友好。除了大学生外,还有许多中学生常到英语角和外国人对话,提高口语。我和外籍教师谈论许多有兴趣的话题。我在口语方面得到了很大的帮助,通过参加这个交流活动,我的口语越来越好了,学到了许多东西。


Hi, try to use English to understand what I say

My writing of English is very basic, the talking is more worse, so I'm try to learn more about English. After, I'm going to "English Corner" at the park every Sunday morning. In the park, there are a lot of foreigner, espically the older American are very friendly. Not only university student, there are more secondary student talk to these foreigner, to improve their talking. My teacher and I talk about a lot of interesting heading, so I it help me a lot of talking. My talking is better now during this activity. My English is very good now, and I've learned a lot.

