
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 19:00:50

my name is shut up!
One day there were three people.their names were Manners, Trouble, and Shut up.One day they were playing hide and seek. Manners got a tummy ache so he went to the toilet. Trouble was hidding. Shut up was findding trouble when he met a police man. The policeman: what is your name? Shut up: shut up! The policeman: are you looking for trouble? Shut up: yes! The policeman: where are your manners? Shut up: in the toilet.
有三个人.他们的名字是礼貌,麻烦,闭嘴。有一天,他们正在玩捉迷藏。 礼貌忽然胃痛,所以他去厕所。 麻烦藏了起来。闭嘴找麻烦是遇到了一个男警察的时候。警察: 你的名字是什么?闭嘴:闭嘴!警察: 你正在找麻烦吗?闭嘴: 是的!警察: 你的礼貌在哪里?闭嘴: 在厕所中。
loss of voice
One guy goes to a doctor and says, "Doctor, my wife has lost her voice. What should I do to help her get it back? " The doctor replies, "Try to come home at 3 in the morning."
一个人找到一位医生,说" 医生, 我的妻子已经失声了。 我应该做什么才能让她好起来?" 医生答复 ," 尝试在早晨在 3 点回家。"
Don't part with your illusions . When th