
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 18:57:41
Though_____money,his parents managed to send him to university
A lacking B lacking of C lacked in D lacked
这题的正确答案是A`!...可是为什么B不可以= =....

_____as he is ,you have to take care of him ,for he is the only son of our family
A boring B being bored C bored D to be bored
开头什么意思饿- -....另外,这个想知道答案~!

______the idioms before, I can't understand the meaning of these sentence.
A not learned B not learning C having not learned D not having learned
答案是D....可是,我觉得..B也对的= =

The old lady was heard _____the whole night
A to be crying B to cry C crying D cried
= =....不是说to do 是听到全过程,do 是片段么...= =怎么跑这里用doing了?..答案C~!
第二个的答案找到了= =...A~!

1 lack可以做动词和形容词,要么是lack sth 或者是be lack of sth
2 C 尽管他很烦人,你还是得照顾他,因为他是我们家唯一的儿子。
3 看看主从句中是否存在时间差,如果存在动作的先后,那么用完成式。
4 to do 指听道全过程,doing指听到片断,所以用doing,不可能听人家老太太哭完一整晚整个过程,所以~