
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 03:03:29
我们每个人都拥有一个属于自己的名字。可能是你爷爷取的,也可能是你爸爸取的,又或者是通过其他什么途径。大部分的名字都是寄以取名人的祝福。比如great,in Chinese“伟大的伟”,它代表了了不起的人。又如brave"勇敢的勇",它代表了勇敢的人,等等。有的人的名字很有趣。例如,飞轮海中的一个成员,in Chinese "吴吉尊”。但是in English "无极”。另一个例子是快乐男生中的魏晨。正由于“晨”字的音酷似汉字中的橙,in English"orange"。所以,有些魏晨的粉丝们就十分喜欢橙色,尽可能的买橙色的东西。比如:文具,鞋子,书包等。我们班就有一个。我认为,无论你的名字好不好听,难不难写,都不要排斥它,讨厌它,这只是我们的一个代号而已!

Each of us has a name that belongs to them. You may be the grandfather of the check, or it may be your father's check, or through any other means. Most of the names were sent to the person named best wishes. For example, great, in Chinese "a great wei", it represents great. Another example is the brave "brave courage", it represents a brave man, and so on. Some very interesting names. For example, the flywheel a member of the sea, in Chinese "WU Ji-respect." But in English "The Promise." Another example is the joy of the boys Wei Chen. Is due to the "morning" sound exactly like the characters in the orange, in English "orange". Therefore, Wei Chen, some of the fans were very fond of the orange, orange to buy as much as possible. For example: stationery, shoes, bags and so on. We have a ban. I think that, regardless of your name sound better, difficult to write, do not reject it, hate it, this is one of our code-named it