sex discrimination in applying for a job

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 12:51:17

Nowadays many female graduates faced up with such an annoying phenomenon that many companies don’t treat them equally. We can conclude this from much latest news easily. For example some employers declare clearly that they only want male employees when recruiting. Even though some of those female workers’ ability is much more outstanding than those male workers, they are more likely to be refused by the employers. According to a survey by the women’s federation of shanghai, female graduates should pay much more to earn an equal opportunity as men. What’s more, they often get a smaller salary than males. Besides, except for the education background and the working skills, whether they are married, their plan of having children can also be a “doorsill” when they seek for jobs. As for the reasons, it not only because the difference between man and woman but also the different responsibility they should shoulder. Female workers’ working conditions actually is not so stable as male worke