给家人的一份信 要英语版

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 15:39:31
单词数在 80个左右积极ijiijijiiji

Dear brother,

Life has been good here. I am a bit more used to the school schedule now. Class materials are still a little hard for me but I have made some friends in every class and they give me help with the homework whenever I need them, which is really great.

Other than going to class everyday, I found myself a part time job, just to make some pocket money, and get a bit more financial support to my schooling. I am a bookstore clerk now in a small book shop every weekend. The girl who works with me is very sweet. She is so patient and nice to teach me everything at work. She is also very pretty and outgoing. I have only worked there for 3 weekends and already like her very much. I think I will ask her on a date sometime soon. I wish you were here so that you could see the girl your brother is falling for.

How are Mom and Dad? I miss all of you very much so please write often. I will be getting a new computer soon so that we can chat online with