写英语作文 “我的一周”

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 13:52:45


  • on Monday i will go to library after schoo,because i want ti find some useful book.on Tudesday i will go to swimming with my fridend for i want to try some differents .on Wensday i will play ball with my brother ,because i have so much time study .on Thursday i will visit my annt with my mom,it is so long i haven't seen her . on Friday i will go to suppermarket to help my mom buy something she needs on Satuaday and Sunday i wil go tripMy Birthday Party
    I was born on March 10, 1989. So March 10 is my birthday. I began to give a birthday party in 1996. later on I have my birthday party every year.
    Last Saturday I had my birthday party at home. A few of my friends came to my party. Everyone bought me a birthday present, and they all say, "Happy birthday to you." Then I said "Thank you very much for giving me the birthday presents."
    One my birthday, my mother made my birthday cake and cooked some delicious food. My friends helped me t