
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 04:13:32

A Glorious Journey

Three Chinese astronauts returned safely on Sunday after orbiting the Earth on board the Shengzhou-VII space capsule.

The message to the world is clear: after a slow start in space, China is catching up fast.

The spacecraft touched down in the Mongolian desert to rapturous applause from mission control in Beijing. Millions tuned in to watch the historic moment on television around the world.

Mission leader Zhai Zhigang was the first to emerge from the capsule and he was incredibly proud of their achievement.

"It was a glorious mission, full of challenges with a successful end," he said.

The mission follows China's successful hosting of the Olympics and included the country's first ever spacewalk.

Mr Zhai wore a Chinese-made spacesuit costing up to £20million (220million Yuan), and stayed outside the capsule for 15 minutes while his team mates stayed