
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 05:32:59
恐怖电影与其它类型电影一样拥有类似的情节套路和视觉模式,它的类型特征在于通常是融惊悚与悬疑于一体,选用令人恐怖的题材或是一些暴力事件,表现邪恶与罪行,在内容上制造危险、伤亡和破坏,或是展示正常容貌和形体的扭曲变形,或是呈现他人惊吓或受难的经验;在形式上借助光线、音效、运镜、节奏、构图、剪辑和特效等方面营造诡异、阴森和紧张的气氛。恐怖电影旨在激起观众深植于内心深处和潜意识中的最原始的最强烈的恐惧感,立意使观众毛骨悚然。恐怖电影中有的是对畸形的或者邪恶的性格进行精细的心理探讨, 有的是利用环境制造悬念气氛的神秘惊险故事,有的是关于可怕的妖魔鬼怪的故事。而这类凶险的影象的一个共同的特点是,它们往往来自一个为人们所未知或所知甚少的世界,它所涉及到的题材因而常常超出人类正常知识和经验范围。

Horror movies and other types of movies have similar circumstances as routine and visual mode, it is usually the type of features into one in the suspense thriller with the use of terror is the subject matter or some of the violence, and the performance of the evil crimes in the content Create the risk of casualties and destruction, or the display looks normal and the distorted body, or show other people suffered shock or experience; in form with light, sound, Yun Jing, rhythm, composition, editing and special effects, and so on To create a strange, gloomy and tense atmosphere. Horror movie is to arouse the audience rooted in the bottom of his heart and the subconscious of the most primitive of the strongest sense of fear and shows the audience horrified. Some of terror movies, or malformation of the evil character of the fine psychological problems, some manufacturers use of the environment of the mysterious atmosphere of suspense thriller story on some terrible demons of the story