
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/12 05:12:16
My mother couldn’t stand me when I was little, and I couldn’t stand her. Neither of us was what the other would have chosen for a life companion.
The mother I had in mind for myself was middle-aged with brown hair pulled back in a bun. She wore an apron, baked a lot, was serious and soft-spoken, and sang hymns. Before her marriage she had been a schoolteacher or librarian.
My real mother had quit school to go to work and help out at home. She was 19 when I was born, a tall tomboy with flyaway blond hair and the wide shoulders, narrow hips and long legs of an athlete which she was. In the grimmest circumstances my mother could always find a bit of fun, and she had a great shout of a laugh that exploded like firecrackers. An invalid neighbor often told me, “I love to hear your mother laugh.” That neighbor lived two houses away. Other mothers called their children home in a shaky soprano. My mother put two fingers to her lips and produced a whistle that could be heard in the nex

1.我的母亲无法忍受我小时候,我无法忍受她。我们既不是什么有其他选择的生活伴侣。母亲我不得不考虑到自己是中年与棕色头发拉回一个馒头。她穿着围裙,烤了很多,是严重的和软语,唱圣歌。她结婚之前,她一直是老师或图书管理员。我真正的母亲退学去工作,并帮助在家。她是19时,我出生在一个高假小子与海外金发和广泛的肩膀,臀部和窄腿只要运动员是她。在残酷的情况下我的母亲总是可以找到一点乐趣,她有很大喊了笑的像鞭炮爆炸。无效的邻居经常对我说, “我喜欢听你的母亲笑了。 ”这两个邻居住的房屋消失。其他所谓的母亲接回自己的孩子在一个摇摇欲坠的女高音。我的母亲把两个手指向她的嘴唇,并制作了一个哨子,可以听到在未来的街头。
2.Complex in the middle of the night to hear the rain, is to get up early the day Nongyin I find it a bit bored. From within looked out the window, which has a Lian Xie, Baner white powder-like boat floating on the water surface. On the stem, leaving only a small lotus, and a few yellow flowers to be. The red lotus flower, or the last night of Handan, but this morning in full, Maxine Hong Kingston in the middle of green leaves with legislation. Italy is still unwell! - Lingered for a while, much was made out of the window, and then on to heavy rain, the greater the more the next. Naduo red lotus, the rain was that close, oblique play about interjection. In the absence of shelter u