
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 17:03:10
1、 住在英国人家里,与房东家同龄男孩成了好朋友
2、 你们谈论学校生活和课外活动情况,你的口语有了很大进步
3、 夏令营生活丰富多彩,参观博物馆、与当地学生进行球赛、举 办 晚会等

My name is Li Hua, I am very fond of the United Kingdom, and I am the landlord of the children became good friends. I study hard in school, my English has improved. Here is the most unforgettable summer camp. Rich and colorful life of summer camp, visit museums, football matches with local students, organized by the evening. I am in the UK is very good, what good are you Chinese?