
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 08:37:39

欧盟在1989年6月26~27日于西班牙马德里召开的外长会议上发表了对中国实行武器禁运及其它限制条款的公报:1989 EU Council of Ministers Declaration on China
EU Declaration on China
European Council: Madrid, 26-27 June 1989 Declaration on China

The European Council, recalling the declaraion of the twelve of June 6, strongly condemns the brutal repression taking place in China. It expresses its dismay at the pursuit of executions in spite of all the appeals of the international community. It solemnly requests the Chinese authorities to stop the executions and to put an end to the repressive actions against those who legitimately claim their democratic rights.
The European Council requests the Chinese authorities to respect human rights and to take into account the hopes for freedom and democracy deeply felt by the population. It underlines that this is an essential element for the pursuit of the policy of reforms and openness that has been supported by the European Community and its member state